Monday, April 7, 2014

Episode 113

In which the Off-Panelist have a guy's night out! Join all four of the OPP guys as they delve into this week's batch of comics and comics related news, all while trying to avoid the dreaded bitchitis. While the Sloth shocks with employment news, the Southerner tries to one-up his Midwestern soulmate, as well as spoil TV for the Scot, who drops the real bombshell by revealing the shocking origins of the Sphinx, he of the fighting German Wiegeabos. After news it's on to comics, where a pretty neat Detective Comics leads to a pretty awesome Moon Knight, and an underrated Swamp Thing segues into a Hulktastic She-Hulk. Who wins? Who loses? Is the end nigh?! More importantly, who can get Mike Napier to stop commenting?!

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