In the series' twelfth installment, the Skirt (Merce Mueller) chooses the second foray into Gotham City and enlists the aid of an all-around Bat-slave in the form of the Sloth (Alex Koch), while the Sphinx (Wiegeabo Kilijabob) makes his OTP debut by joining them after savagely murdering women in the streets. That's right, on this episode, we're discussing the one of the quintessential entries in DC's Elseworlds line, and infact the very first book to be given the name - so put on your Victorian hat, hope inside your stagecoach, and witness the familiar origin story of The Dark Knight Detective told anew as he's pitted against legendary serial killer Jack The Ripper in the 1989 one-shot, Gotham By Gaslight: A Tale Of The Batman.
Monday, March 31, 2014
OFF THE PANEL #12 - Gotham By Gaslight: A Tale Of The Batman
In the series' twelfth installment, the Skirt (Merce Mueller) chooses the second foray into Gotham City and enlists the aid of an all-around Bat-slave in the form of the Sloth (Alex Koch), while the Sphinx (Wiegeabo Kilijabob) makes his OTP debut by joining them after savagely murdering women in the streets. That's right, on this episode, we're discussing the one of the quintessential entries in DC's Elseworlds line, and infact the very first book to be given the name - so put on your Victorian hat, hope inside your stagecoach, and witness the familiar origin story of The Dark Knight Detective told anew as he's pitted against legendary serial killer Jack The Ripper in the 1989 one-shot, Gotham By Gaslight: A Tale Of The Batman.