Episode 109
In which The Off-Panelists decide to switch out the names of the innocent to protect themselves from copyright infringement, going as far as to reveal other offenders of the name-changing game to exonerate their own misdeeds! Listen in for another two-man episode, as the Southerner (Matt 'The Devil' Johnson) and the Sphinx (Wiegeabo 'The Damned' Kilijabob) make another brief return to the land of black and white uber-violence and hard-boiled narration to discuss the first trailer for Frank Miller's Sin City: A Dame To Kill For, aswell as new footage for the upcoming Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the league of former Lex Luthor actors coming to the defense of Jessie Eisenberg's casting, Michael B. Jordan's defense against the Human Torch controversy, and more news items from the world of funny books, before moving onto their books for the week including: Warren Ellis' debut issue of Moon Knight, Greg Rucka's new horror mystery Veil, Jason Latour's relaunch of Wolverine And The X-Men, and more! Good news, Martinez! You no longer have to burn in hell, somebody's taken your place!
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