Monday, August 26, 2013

Episode 87

In which the world crumbles and the internet tears itself apart under the strain of a casting announcement! That's right, we're tackling that topic. Join the Sloth, the Spaniard, and the Scotsman as they each tell tales of their initial reactions to the news that's sweeping the nation. No, not by important news. The news that Zack Snyder's new Batman/Superman movie has found it's Caped Crusader! Will they give the new Dark Knight a thumbs up? A thumbs down? Will one precariously sit on the fence?! Hell if we know, but following discussion of this historic event, the crew sit down for their share of weekly books, including the latest issue of Batman & Robi... er, Nightwing, the Silver Surfer-ing-ist issue of Mark Waid's Daredevil yet, a return to Jeff Lemire's Animal Man, and more! #Batfleck for life, son!

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Links of the Week
The Batfleck Rises!

Justice League Canada, eh?