Episode 72
In which The Off-Panelists stare longingly at walls and contemplate doing reviews, lose their train of thought and decide that people who don't spend money are the scum of the earth - while not spending money. Join the Scotsman, the Southerner, and the Sloth as they delve deep into Brian K. Vaughn's second installment of The Private Eye, have a surprising reaction to an issue of Batman, continue to lament the loss of facial hair and body fat in the pages of Suicide Squad, dream of owning a tiger as a result of The Walking Dead, and set sail on viking ships in space within the pages of Thor: God of Thunder. Following a hasty lightning round, the three discover that they, too, can buy free comic books off of eBay, question authority as a potential series, and talk about TV shows for way too long. Free up those pipes, Sergio!
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Links of the Week:
FCBD titles going for as much as $40 on eBay
Disney preps first Marvel animated feature with "Big Hero 6"
Neil Gaiman's Angela revealed, Marvel-ized
Geoff Johns teases new DC Comics shows based off of "Arrow" success
NBC passes on "The Sixth Gun" pilot
"American Vampire" Anthology coming: Rucka, Simone, others attached
ABC picks up "Marvel's Agents of SHIELD" as series