Saturday, April 27, 2013

Episode 70

In which The Spaniard, Scot, and Southerner start as a trio, later become a quartet, and then end as a trio. After recapping a Georgia earthquake and Sergio's (surprisingly) lack of news for the week, John gives brief thoughts on Iron Man 3 before the trio leap into the books of the week. Soon after, a stranger draws nigh and guest off-panelist, Ashley Bob, joins in the discussion. After books, the revelation of the world amazeballs, and the logistics of Superman sex, they get into the news items and answer listener questions, upon which one panelist leaves in a huff.... a huff for truth, justice, and sexy time!

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Links of the Week
Feige Confirms Daredevil Rights Revert Back to Marvel
Thor: The Dark World Trailer (VIDEO)
Shane Black Talks IM3 and Demon in the Bottle
Equal Pay/Credit for Colorists
Millar Draws Limits on Digital Distribution 
Cyborg Superman to Appear in New 52
Wire Alum Joins Walking Dead Cast
Batfan Builds on $150,000 Batcave