Sunday, February 17, 2013

Episode 61

In which The Off-Panelists celebrate that wonderful season of love by getting felt up by elderly men and sending the border patrol after themselves, as The Off-Panel Podcast rings in Valentine's Day with the ultimate form of affection - reviewing nerdy books. Join in as the Sloth, the Spainiard, and the Southerner give seven pretty neats to the closing chapter of Scott Snyder's "Death of the Family" arc in Batman, find themselves reviewing a Ghostbusters comic for some reason, delve into the creepiness of Reed and Susan Richards' first encounter in Fantastic Four, arm wrestle over the latest Demon Knights, and finally - but not the least of all - listening to one of their own reviewing a long-awaited title to come from the podcast's own, John Lees. That's right, folks. We offer our thoughts on THE STANDARD #1, on sale at your local comic shop right now!

Download Here!

Links of the Week
SuperHarmony: Love for Superheroes (Video)
Geoff Johns to Leave Green Lantern
Love in Comics
Wonder Woman Documentary to Air on PBS in April