Friday, March 2, 2012

Episode 16

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In which the crew experience buisness-as-usual, as the month of guest stars winds down with a return to form with the week that never was - or perhaps, never should have been! Listen as the Off-Panel Podcast dissects the latest offering from DCnU, give mini-reviews of everything under the sun and rant about aloof continuity, managing to offer up no suggestions of how to fix it, make inappropriately placed movie plugs, discuss superhero voice actors, and chat up a brief word on Avengers vs. X-Men and DC's latest "Earth" series. One of us may or may not break our backs trying to record the episode.

Featured in this week's episode: Reviews of Marvel, the (only) DC book this week, a Vertigo book that routinely earns half of the crew's praise, and an all-ages book that's too darn adorable to not read, followed by "The Avengers" trailer reactions, a revisionary's discussion of Ultimate Marvel, a surprising pre-order spike for an oft-criticized book, and the less-than-serious answering of some fan questions.

Links of the Week:

Daly Show Episode 7: "The Daly Superheroes"
No More Heroes Comic
Comixtribe Store. The Red Ten, Scam, and The Standard All For Sale!
Earth 2 Character Designs
Bonus Link: Matt Enters the Proving Grounds! Watch Him Get Knocked Down a Peg or Three. All Aspring Writers Submit Your Scripts For Review