In which the crew welcomes special guest and comedian Ashley Storrie, who delights the crew with tales of what unfortunate body parts can get stuck in a door as they try and delve into the week's comics while fighting one of the crew's increasingly bad call connection. Discover what makes one of England's top television talent tick as they settle debates on women's status in the industry, whether or not logos should be taken out of commissions, and who among the crew would make a better supervillain. It may or may not end up being Lieutenant Uhura.
Featured in this week's episode: Short reviews of DC's flagship title, a less-than-classy ongoing, and a graphic "novelle", followed by talk of recent discussions in the comic book world about female characters, the cost of the ongoing fued between Marvel and the creator of Ghost Rider, and the graceful answering of the most live questions yet.
The following links are assorted:
Janey Godley's Podcast - Co-hosted by Ashley Storrie
Sean Murphy's Deviantart - No More Unauthorized Artwork
Paul Cornell - Panel Parity
Kapow! - Where The Women At?
Marvel's Buckley and Quesada speak on Gary Friedrich and Ghost Rider